TURBO Action Polo - Round 3 Results

 Round 3 saw a lot of close results and some possible changes in the log.  The full log will follow.

A reminder to all players, that this event is about YOU and your team.  As there are no coaches or teachers, it is up to you to ensure you are there to play or to notify your team mates if there is a problem.

With just 2 weeks to go, lets make the most of this great event!

RESULTS - Round 3:

Team Score Team Score
Team Score Team Score
Spain 7 Scotland 4 - Argentina 11 Blakey Beans 10
Scotland 5 Argentina 4 - Spain 6 Blakey Beans 5
Jokers 6 Australia 8 - England 5 USA 7
USA 12 Jokers 5 - Australia 9 England 5

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